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Showing posts from October, 2023

Dreams and Sacrifices, Aspirations & Compromises-Humans !

 Humans are interesting creatures, for they have social relations, dreams and aspirations. These are the traits which arguably distinguish us from the rest of the creatures. And our lives are a constant flux and trade-off between our dreams, aspirations and the imminent reality. There is a trade-off between the short term hustle and the long term tranquility, between self -interest and the bigger picture we tend to ignore in pursuit of the self -interest. There is often a trade-off between social relations, responsibilities/duties and our personal goals. More often than not we tend to ignore the former for the latter. Think of the instances in your life where you have done that. But, above all, it is the realisation of it that strikes you at some point in your life.  From my own experience, I have realised that not every cost for the so called glory is worth the price. This doesn't mean that I am promoting mediocrity. It's just the cost for the success that I want you to facto...