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Mother-A Bond, an Emotion !

 As I write this piece today on Mother's Day 2024, I am drenched deep into the everlasting memories inscribed on my heart and mind. The memories of my late mother whom I lost in her physical form in this fateful month of May, the 21st Day, in the year 2016- Budhha Purnima.  If you have read my recent blogs, you would be familiar with certain incidents I have mentioned about her during her last days on earth. But, today I feel like giving some details. (Caution: These are sheer emotions, and you might feel emotionally overpowered reading some portions) Born to a father who was a Govt. Teacher and a house-maker mother, Late Smt. Rampyari Sharma (my mother) was the eldest among her 5 siblings (4 Sisters & 1 Brother). The parents had migrated from the now PoK of then undivided India when they had not even entered their teens. My maternal grandfather ( Nanu ji ) had to leave literally everything (even his parents) while escaping from his then hometown in PoK in the aftermath of part
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Preparing for the Personality Test (Interview) !

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My UPSC CSE Interview (PT) Experience.

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