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Little Things that Matter !

Hello there ! May you all be blessed with the peace of mind in these turbulent times !

In this write-up I will try to make a point regarding how certain little things that we often tend to take for granted in our lives actually matter a lot, even, many fold greater than their perceived importance. To start with, I have deliberately wished peace of mind for all of us. Though it is seemingly insignificant an expression, yet the positivity it tends to generate in our minds is significantly large.

Let's start from analyzing our day-to-day activities. When we wake up in the morning, what is the very first thing we often do? Is it about annoyingly turning off the alarm clock or pressing the snooze button? Or is it that you wake up to celebrate  a new and fresh day full of possibilities with a gentle smile on your face! I know it might appear too optimist an idea, but what harm can this 'insignificant' act do to us. Rather, I would argue that the only thing it will do is to add some positivity in our minds, and that too at the outset of the day. The very fact that you are awake to see a new morning is not something to be taken for granted. Think about those who were not as lucky as you to make it to another day! Feels special ? Well, each one of us is special.

After doing away with our daily chores, each one of us would have a different plan altogether for the day. For those of us with no plan and feeling left out of this discussion, remember, having no plan also is in a way a plan itself! But, remember, it is always better to have a conscious plan, even though it may be about doing nothing throughout the day.

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For those of us with a fixed daily routine due to a job, it becomes even more easier to plan our day, for we don't have to worry about managing a large part of our day that already has been taken care of. But for those of us, without a day job (including myself), it often becomes a tedious task to keep ourselves motivated throughout the day. For this section of the people in particular and all in general, having a daily plan helps immensely. Don't believe me? Well, try it yourself then (in case you haven't). One disclaimer though, having too ambitious plans often do more harm than good, in form of stress, demotivation, and even depression. So, it is better to think big but start small and scale fast. 

In the present turbulent times  (Corona pandemic), when almost all of us (except those in essential services) actually are confined to our homes, we often tend to pass the day without having anything to do (apart from Social Media and random surfing on the internet). Since we are not certain about our present and near future, we don't know how and when the outbreak will be contained, therefore, this uncertainty often reflects in our daily lifestyle.  It almost accounts for a sedentary lifestyle, barring those who would consciously be making an effort towards a physical workout, yoga, meditation etc. Needless to say that having an active lifestyle is always better than a sedentary one.

So coming back to the little things that matter, I would suggest you to consciously observe how you talk to people (your parents, family, strangers, grocery/dairy shop wala etc.). I can vouch for it, that having a gentle smile and thanking them for even too obvious things/services (paid or unpaid) makes a huge difference. Who knows if the other person is passing through a tough phase in their life?  Your one smile can actually make them feel good. And remember, it doesn't even cost you an extra penny for that one smile or one thank you !  In fact, let me thank you (with a smile :) ) here only for sparing your valuable time reading this.

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Even while talking to your acquaintances or friends/family on phone, the little effort of a cheerful greeting would start the conversation on a positive note. Remember, like Corona, cheerfulness too is infectious !

Coming to other seemingly little things, no matter howsoever bad your day has been, thanking the Almighty for the day itself, for it has given you enormous experience for rest of your life, you may go to sleep with a gentle smile on your face. Trust me, you will enjoy a sound sleep,with some positive energy to start your next day full of possibilities!

Let me now summarize few little things that actually matter a lot. These are a gentle smile on the face, a sense of gratitude towards others and the Almighty, having a conscious plan, a bird's eye view (inward looking) of your life etc.

There might be many other such little things that you would be having in your minds. Please free to add those in the comment section.Because your seemingly little involvement does in fact matter a lot to me!

Credits: Image 1:; Image 2: credits:; Image 3: credits:


  1. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  2. Thank you for sharing this positive thoughts . It made me smile and gave me a positive morning. Peace of mind in every phase is really a difficult task. But always a little positive efforts like this blog helps in bringing a moment of happiness.

    1. Thank you so much Rishab... I am glad to know that the above thoughts instilled some positivity in your mind... Thanks for the encouragement... Means a lot! Keep Smiling.. Stay Healthy..Stay Safe :)

  3. Great start Akshay! You have some enlightened views about life which really helps.

  4. Thanks Akshay for this wonderful writing and coming up with such a unique topic๐Ÿ˜

    Nowadays is like busy busy
    for all of us.
    So a little things i would like to add here is doing things that we love to do...
    We spent the time left from the day according to others instead of doing what we desire to do.
    Get that dancer out
    be artistic
    be a singer
    be a writer
    be a cook
    Whatever you want to
    let the world move without you
    and these moments help you in your sad/low phase.
    keep smiling ๐Ÿ˜

  5. Thank you so much Yuvraj for sparing your time to read this and for the encouragement.

    I do totally agree with your points regarding being oneself, sparing time for oneself etc. Yes, I do agree that in the Haste of working to be a good employee, a good partner, a good friend, we often tend to neglect ourselves.

    Personal growth (physical and socio-psychological) is equally important.

  6. Thank You so much Sir. And At this point of time where being rude is seen as a cool thing and everybody is more about themselves. You are creating and adding such A beautiful thought.

    1. Thank you... glad to find out that the blog post written about 5 years ago is still being read and appreciated ! These compliments matter a lot !


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