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Random Thoughts Articulated

I have been contemplating about starting a blog since long. However, I didn't know much about the basics of blogging. I randomly googled about 'What is a blog?', 'How to write a blog etc.' During the search process, I came across a blog post about Top 10 Blog site/domains etc. There I found Medium and Blogger as the two suited to my needs.

This is my very first blog post today. I am writing this as the Earth is under Quarantine (for Humans) in the wake of the Corona Virus Pandemic. We often say that the mother earth's survival is under threat, that it needs to be protected from Climate Change, from Deadly Weapons etc. However, we fail to realise that it is not the Earth whose survival is under threat, rather, it is We the Humans whose survival is under threat.

It is the Crises like the present one that make us think the other way round. To think that the Earth has always been there, it is We the Humans who were not always there. We the Sapiens have come a long way from hunter-gatherers to the present-day "sophisticated" HUMAN BEINGS. We consider our species to be the MASTER of the whole earth, as the invincible achievers. But, it is the crises like this that make us realise that we are just another species on the earth,and often among the most vulnerable ones!

There have been many conspiracy theories doing the round about how the novel Corona Virus (CoViD-19) is a sort of a biological weapon launched by the country X to dominate the global stage. There are numerous arguments by the proponents of this hypothesis. However, I believe that it is too early and even ridiculous to add weight to these conspiracy theories.

I believe that the first and foremost priority of the global fraternity must be aimed towards launching a coordinated response against Containment, Mitigation and Cure of this pandemic. I am quite sure that we all would succeed and come out even more stronger than before. No doubt, such a widespread pandemic is once in a generation kind of crises, but, the history provides sufficient instances to be confident that yes, we shall overcome!

I believe that once this problem is successfully tackled with, there would not be a business as usual thing after that. There would be a permanent shift in the manner globalization is perceived. It is the times like present, when we see a decisive change in the world-order. After some years, we would be able to clearly categorize the world order into pre-CoViD and post-CoViD phases.

There might be a remarkable shift in the use of technologies for monitoring and even for surveillance by the governments world over. We are already into the the cusp of Fourth Industrial Revolution where very high speed internet compounded with very high speed processors would dominate the global business scenario. The developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), Quantum Computing etc. are already disrupting the global landscape. It is and will never be the Business as Usual thing again. The manner in which various countries would emerge with their successful case studies of their approaches of tackling the virus would provide many useful insights about how the global order would be shaped in the coming years.

However, I also believe that it will be too early to predict anything right now, but what I find more convincing right now is that the Globalization and Democracy models are going to witness drastic changes/alterations in the times to come.

There have been many positives as well, one of them being that we all have been forced to look inwards, to take a pause, to develop a wider (birds-eye) view of the world around us. People are getting more of family time to which the quality aspect is to be added by themselves. Apart from impending xenophobia, the world has also been brought much more closer than ever, where people are expressing much more solidarity with one another.

With these words, I do end my first blog post here praying that we be able to contain the crises at the earliest with as minimum losses as possible. Wishing the readers, best of health!


  1. Very well written sharmaji 👍
    waiting for your future blogs 🤓

    1. Thank you so much 'Yuvi' for the encouragement. Means a lot! :)

  2. Hey, Akshay !!
    Well written and loved your views, How things are going to change post corona

  3. Well written lil bro...keep it up

  4. Sharma ji aap toh blogger bn gye😊 Keep it up bro....

    1. Thank you Harsh.. Ek chhota sa try tha.. Thank you for the encouragement:)

  5. Nice blog Akshay and good way to express ur observations..
    All d best..

  6. Free flowing like a mountain brook. Cheers to your intellect 😊

  7. Good blog akshay. It's always good to express yourself.

    1. Thank you Rishab for giving your valuable time reading and reviewing it :)


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